Master System

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"HID"USB Tokens,ActivID® Authentication

USB Tokens

  • Enhance Security – with secure credential storage, multi-factor authentication, digital signing and encryption.
  • Reduce costs - eliminating the need for special readers and multiple form factors for identification, and minimizing token administration for logical, remote, and facilities access.
  • Deliver Convenience – easy to carry and use; the user simply connects directly through the USB interface on their workstation or laptop.
  • HID USB Tokens help organizations trust their user’s identity and enable strong authentication to workstations, the network, and remote and cloud-based applications. The USB Tokens offer a portable form factor that’s easy to carry and use – they connect directly to a workstation or laptop, making it quick and simple to use multi-factor authentication to gain access to resources, encrypt, or digitally sign information and transactions.
    There are two products in the HID USB Tokens family:

    1. ActivKey® SIM USB Token: comes with a built-in USB reader; its field-serviceable subscriber identity module (SIM) provides organizations with a path for future upgrades, with no need to invest in additional readers.
    2. ActivKey® Display USB Token: supports online authentication using a SIM and built-in reader, as well as offline multi-factor authentication with one-time passwords (OTPs).

    With HID, organizations have USB Tokens that:
