Master System

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"HID"252, 262 & 263 iCLASS + MIFARE Classic or MIFARE DESFire EV1 + Prox,iCLASS®

252, 262 & 263 iCLASS + MIFARE Classic or MIFARE DESFire EV1 + Prox

Smart cards incorporating iCLASS + MIFARE Classic or iCLASS + MIFARE DESFire EV1, with HID Prox, are great for organizations with multiple reader types and for those transitioning from one technology to another.

Choose from the following cards:

  • iCLASS + MIFARE Classic + HID Prox
  • iCLASS + MIFARE DESFire EV1 + HID Prox


Options available include:

  • Magnetic stripe
  • Contact smart chip (an embeddable card body or embedded by HID)
  • PVC or composite card body
  • Visual security features
  • Corporate 1000, iCLASS Elite

HID can also embed a wide range of commercially available contact chips, or customers can select HID's off-the-shelf Crescendo® multi-technology smart card, providing strong authentication options with logical access systems. If users wish to embed their own chip, the embeddable cards come standard as a composite card body. As with all Genuine HID card products, dual high frequency cards are part of the broadest product line of trusted, fully interoperable secure identity solutions in the market and come with guaranteed compatibility with HID reader lines and a lifetime warranty.*

Each card can be programmed based on customer specifications and can be fully personalized with a wide range of customization offered through HID's Identity on DemandTM service

Lifetime warranty for embedded credentials is only valid for the "Embeddable" line of HID Credentials. The warranty covers the card body only, not the embedded contact chip.
